Company profile
- Company name : TONKIM CO., LTD.
- Established : 9/1999.
- Tax registered code : O301844134
- Banks : Vietcombank (HCM branch)
- Business scopes : - Sales Agent.
                                     - Import / Export / Trading.
                                     - Service Center.
- Handling products : Carbon Steel, Stainless steel, and Aluminium Sheet & Coil.

- Facilities :  * Slitting machine ( ~4.0mm x ~5 feet )  : 1

                    * Leveller CTL machine ( ~4.0mm x ~5 feet )  : 1

                    * Shearing machines ( 0.3~13.0mm x ~  8 feet length ) : 5 

                    * Polishing machines for 6K,BG,No.4,HL.. & vinyl laminator (width ~5 feet)  : 3

                    * ....        

- Office Employees : 6~8.
- Contact Person  Mr. Nguyen Duong Hoai Duc. (Mobile/ whatsapp/ Viber) : +84-90 384 2836.
                                (e-mail) :
                                 who worked in shipping company (1991-1994) , in rep office of Japanese corporation (1994-1999),
                                 before establishing Tonkim Co., Ltd. (9/1999).
Handling products


HR Plate

Round Billet


Round Bar


Wire Rod

GI/GA/CR Mix Sheet

Shipment by container

Shipment by bulk vessel

P.O Coil

HR Coil

GI Coil

GA Coil

8-feet Cut Sheet

HR Mix sheet

Colour Mix sheet

Aluminium Sheet (China)

SUS-430 Off-Cut

SUS-304 Baby Coil